About me
My background
I grew up in Ireland, where I had a generally typical childhood – family, friends, school. I specialised in Human Resource Management / Organisational Development and Information Systems as part of my Bachelor of Commerce degree, before heading off to see some of the world teaching English as a Foreign Language. While I was on my travels I met my partner and moved to the UK.
I worked in a number of companies and roles, ranging from sales training for pub staff to data administration for a pensions company. My role in a company where we developed an online platform to support large coaching and mentoring programmes introduced me to the idea and benefits of coaching and I went on to qualify as a coach myself.
Becoming a coach
While I was training as a coach I got to work with many clients in different ways and exploring a huge variety of different topics. I was able to try out various tools and techniques, and discover what worked well for me.
I found my own style - practical and fun, empathetic and challenging. I've developed that further over the years and clients and I both love that we can enjoy ourselves even when we're discussing serious subjects.
Over the course of coaching a number of people I found that a common theme was finding it difficult to consistently do the things they knew would help - whether that related to work, home life, health or any other aspect of life. I did some research and experimentation in habit-building and created both one to one and group programmes which help people to develop positive habits in a manageable way.
My interest in neurodiversity grew as I realised that a number of my clients were neurodiverse and / or had family members who were. I started doing workplace strategy coaching as a really proactive way to help people to work with their own particular strengths and challenges to achieve their own successes.

Other things about me
I have many labels – “partner”, “daughter”, “friend”, “sister-in-law”, “colleague”, “coach", “aunt”, “niece”, “neighbour”, “cousin” – this isn’t the full list and it’s not in any particular order. The roles have differences but in each one I am open and caring and I bring some humour where I can. I take responsibilities seriously and give them 100% , while at the same time adding some enjoyment for everyone.
I know that looking after myself helps me to be better in all my roles, so I make sure to dedicate time to do the things I love – crafting, baking and cooking, reading, walking, time with friends, the occasional pamper session – another list that isn’t full!