WAY (What About You?)
Online programme starting June
"I recommend Fiona's programme if you want a safe space to explore how you can make positive changes in your life whilst caring for others." Marianne
This is series of 6 weekly one hour online workshops for people supporting or caring for loved ones with mental and physical health challenges in order to:
Develop strategies to feel more in control of your situation and manage your time
Grow your resilience through difficult times
Consider your approach to self-care and creatively build a plan of action
Provide a safe, supportive and enjoyable space for you
Workshops will take place at 8pm on Tuesdays / 12pm on Wednesdays, starting on 28th / 29 June and you will also receive a one-to-one session (if signed up by Saturday 11th June), accompanying worksheets for each workshop and access to a private Facebook group for support and information.

The workshop topics
The topics and workshop content are a mix of things that helped me, things that I wish I'd know and feedback from previous participants
WAY to Play To Your Strengths
WAY to Be More Resilient
WAY to Focus On What You Can Control
WAY to Communicate Effectively
WAY to Be True To Yourself
WAY to Keep Good Company
"Fiona's warmth and kindness comes across from the very outset. She has so much empathy and understanding of a care givers role & her workshops are a brilliant source of ideas and support."
What others have said:
"It's been life changing for me Fiona. I feel positive for the first time in ages."
"Every week I have a light bulb moment"
"I have more inner-calm and confidence that I will achieve further changes that will enhance other areas."
"I hadn’t expected to have such fun in the group setting, but she offered time, blending discussions of serious life “stuff” with smatterings of creative exercises, food for thought and encouragement."
What difference could this make for you?