WAY (What About You?)
"I feel positive for the first time in ages." Marianne
When flying you are told in the safety briefing to put your own oxygen mask on first. But when you're caring for or supporting a loved one it can feel like there just isn't time to do this.
I've been there, and felt like I was drowning under the weight of pressure. Eventually I realised this:
Caring for yourself is essential to caring for others. What happens if you become too burnt out to help?
This free workshop will help you to find your own ways to look after yourself in order to give the best care and support you can.
Book now for the one hour workshop at various times during Carers Week, 6-12th June or contact me at coaching@fionagillies.co.uk for an individual conversation
Why WAY?
“How are you?” my friend asked on the phone when my other half was signed off work with stress. She listened for a bit while I talked about the situation, how well OH was doing, psychiatrist appointments, work etc and then said “OK, but what about you?”.
It was then that I realised how much my identity and how I was had become linked to my other half and the situation. And in that moment I realised I needed to make it more about me again.